Day 29: 누군가 필요해 I Need Somebody - Day6

Song:누군가 필요해 I Need Somebody
Artist: Day6
Jan 29

I have been hyper emotional since I woke up this morning. The smallest things were setting me off and causing me to be on the verge of tears at multiple points throughout the day. I don't have anything that I can pinpoint it to, maybe it's just the winter blues as we get sucked into this polar vortex. I'm stressed out just thinking about trying to start my car tomorrow.. without becoming a blue popsicle sans the delicious blue flavor.  Honestly the more I think about it the more frustrated I get. The fact that people are just straight up ignoring that these temperatures can literally kill you and acting like continuing the routine is totally natural is unbearably mind boggling to me. Regardless, the point of today is I am walking a fine line of trying to laugh to forget the sad or pouring lemon juice on my paper cuts and giving into the tears.

Day6 is a 5 member Alt-Rock band comprised of 4 vocalists, 2 of which are also rappers, and then there's our hero, Dowoon on the drums. I'd like to give a shout out to all the lyric videos that still picture Dowoon at the top of the screen, it fills me with false hope every single time haha. 

Since starting this blog I have come to the realization of just how many songs I hold near and dear start with a sad little piano.. I'm not complaining about this epiphany just an observation. Jae opens the vocals searching softly. I like the subtle vocal fry he uses on the last word of his verse. It creates an uneasy isolated feeling. The early part of the instrumental is relatively quiet and laid back.  The builds are small contrasting nicely with the powerful vocal builds and dynamics. Speaking of the vocals, that chorus is positively sinful. Filled with desperate cries and powerful emphatic belts it hits me right in the stomach, flooding my body with sweet anguish; the feeling you get when you are reading a love story full of angst and pining. The instrumentals slowly begin to build under Wonpil, mellowing out briefly, until Guitars, drums, and piano explode gloriously, finally matching the powerful vocal duo of Young K and Sungjin.

These lyrics are so relatable it genuinely hurts. I used to wallow in this kind of self pity and sometimes you find yourself stuck back there wondering what's so wrong about you?

"Hello there, is anyone there
Where is
Is there anyone to answer me?
Is anyone there?"

"Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I'm all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now"

We're all seeking some form of camaraderie, companionship, understanding. I think about that second line in the chorus: "Among all the people surrounding me". How often have you ever felt totally alone while in the midst of a large group of people. Isolated and different trying to find your place. For a long time for me, perhaps even still to this day that was how I felt at family functions. Totally alone and on the outside of all these people I love and care about, but realistically didn't fit with. I felt totally alone wishing there was someone to comfortably and easily relate to on a level deeper than just the usual pleasantries. That sounds harsh.. the best way I can phrase it is I was the artsy, dramatic kid in a world of logical scientists. There's also the twinge of occasional jealousy as you watch friends and family alike find the happiness and companionship that has always been unattainable and wishful thinking on my part.

Lyric that attacked me:

"Hello, is anyone there?
Anyone who can accept me?
Is anyone here?"

Song Color: Foggy Grey

Mood: Emotional 


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