Day 11: Change - ONE OK ROCK

Song: Change
Jan 11

Amidst the usual exhaustion, I found my agitation with things within my power to change reaching a tipping point. Every little thing was annoying me despite how I tried to mask or hide behind my headphones. I took some time to relax and kind of cool my head and heard the words that I desperately needed to hear today. 

I can't begin to describe how upset I am with myself for completely sleeping on ONE OK ROCK for so many years. Their evolution in music from emo punk rock to more alternative power rock syncs perfectly with each phase I have grown through starting with my high school emo punk days to now. Formed in 2005, ONE OK ROCK is a Japanese Rock Band who have garnered growing international success and quite frankly have the talent and capability of being a hugely successful worldwide headlining act; it's only a matter of time. 

There is something familiar in the intro of "Change" that I can't quite put my finger on. Almost as if it is a song I have known my whole life, despite being released essentially six months ago. While the sound itself is modern there is this almost 90's nostalgia that causes my mind to delve into what I like to call the "90's character development montage" featured in every "hate to love" romcom the era of my youth produced. I think it's pretty fitting for a song titled: Change. That deep pulse of the drum with the high keening of the guitar is a sharp contrast like two opposing forces effectively mirroring the opposing forces at work whenever we try to make a change in our lives. "Change" is upbeat and encouraging. This is one of those songs that I think would be interesting to hear in a stripped down acoustic version. Our instrumentals are all very bombastic and powerful, on the cusp of a rock anthem. Taka's vocals, however, are the key to making this song standout as truly magnificent. I have to pause and acknowledge Taka's vocal prowess for a minute. He is easily one of the best Rock Vocalists of modern day and any man who can perfectly cover Adele's "Hello", in the original key, is worthy of all the recognition. For the most part his vocals are very clean and crisp but he has this rasp that comes through occasionally contrasting the clean with dirty. Visually his vocal melody and power compel images of a general rallying his troops and pulling the down trodden to their feet.

As powerful as "Change" makes me feel the reason I ultimately chose this song today are the lyrics.

"It we're not moving forward
What are we moving for?"

That lyric hit me like a ton of bricks. It's easy to get stuck and complacent. Coming to a standstill is nothing more than existing and existing isn't living.

"Can't do this by myself
How did we let it get this far"

Now, I am choosing to interpret this from an individual's POV in terms of change, but the change of course could very well be something bigger like society, government, etc.  From the eyes of a singular person trying to change something about themselves the above lyrics are all things I believe we all have felt. That hopelessness and desperation to make a change but not knowing how without support.

"You gotta listen to your heart what does it say
No matter how much we might bend, we will not break
'Cause we got what it takes to stay"

The first line of that phrase is self explanatory. "No matter how much we might bend, we will not break" is indicative of that struggle to keep at whatever change we are trying to make but the lyric reads as encouragement, you're capable. You can do it. 

Lyric That Attacked Me:
"If we're not moving forward
What are we moving for?"

Song Color: Lime Green

Mood: Empowered


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